Top 100 famous Riots :

Watts Riots (1965, USA)Los Angeles Riots (1992, USA)
Stonewall Riots (1969, USA)Rodney King Riots (1992, USA)
Brixton Riots (1981, UK)George Floyd Protests (2020, USA)
Detroit Riots (1967, USA)Paris Riots (2005, France)
Soweto Uprising (1976, South Africa)Tiananmen Square Protests (1989, China)
Ferguson Protests (2014, USA)1968 Democratic National Convention Riots (USA)
Tulsa Race Massacre (1921, USA)Charlottesville Riots (2017, USA)
Kent State Shootings (1970, USA)London Riots (2011, UK)
Chicago Race Riot (1919, USA)Greek Protests (2008, Greece)
Harlem Riot (1964, USA)Minneapolis Riots (2020, USA)
New York Draft Riots (1863, USA)Baltimore Protests (2015, USA)
Boston Police Strike (1919, USA)Gwangju Uprising (1980, South Korea)
Bread Riots (1917, Russia)Soweto Uprising (1976, South Africa)
LA Zoot Suit Riots (1943, USA)Iran Green Movement (2009, Iran)
Newark Riots (1967, USA)Anti-CAA Protests (2019-2020, India)
Attica Prison Riot (1971, USA)Quebec Student Protests (2012, Canada)
Battle of Athens (1946, USA)Hong Kong Protests (2019-2020, Hong Kong)
Boston Massacre (1770, USA)Arab Spring Protests (2010-2012, Middle East)
Wounded Knee Incident (1973, USA)Yellow Vests Movement (2018-2019, France)
Derry Riots (1969, Northern Ireland)Charlottesville Riots (2017, USA)
Red Summer (1919, USA)Soweto Uprising (1976, South Africa)
Orange Riots (1871, USA)2019 Chilean Protests (Chile)
Watts Riots (1965, USA)Brixton Riots (1981, UK)
Battle of Blair Mountain (1921, USA)Tiananmen Square Protests (1989, China)
Crown Heights Riot (1991, USA)Yellow Vests Movement (2018-2019, France)
Detroit Riots (1967, USA)Paris Riots (2005, France)
Stonewall Riots (1969, USA)Baltimore Riots (2015, USA)
1968 Democratic National Convention Riots (USA)Ferguson Protests (2014, USA)
Haymarket Affair (1886, USA)George Floyd Protests (2020, USA)
Harlem Riot (1964, USA)Charlottesville Riots (2017, USA)
Boston Police Strike (1919, USA)Greek Protests (2008, Greece)
Chicago Race Riot (1919, USA)Gwangju Uprising (1980, South Korea)
New York Draft Riots (1863, USA)Minneapolis Riots (2020, USA)
Red Summer (1919, USA)Quebec Student Protests (2012, Canada)
Newark Riots (1967, USA)Iran Green Movement (2009, Iran)
Orange Riots (1871, USA)Anti-CAA Protests (2019-2020, India)
Bread Riots (1917, Russia)Hong Kong Protests (2019-2020, Hong Kong)
Attica Prison Riot (1971, USA)Arab Spring Protests (2010-2012, Middle East)
Wounded Knee Incident (1973, USA)Yellow Vests Movement (2018-2019, France)
Battle of Blair Mountain (1921, USA)2019 Chilean Protests (Chile)
LA Zoot Suit Riots (1943, USA)Paris Riots (2005, France)
Boston Massacre (1770, USA)Charlottesville Riots (2017, USA)
Kent State Shootings (1970, USA)Greek Protests (2008, Greece)
Chicago 7 Trial Protests (1969, USA)Tiananmen Square Protests (1989, China)
Tulsa Race Massacre (1921, USA)Yellow Vests Movement (2018-2019, France)
Watts Riots (1965, USA)Brixton Riots (1981, UK)
Crown Heights Riot (1991, USA)Hong Kong Protests (2019-2020, Hong Kong)
Detroit Riots (1967, USA)Paris Riots (2005, France)
Stonewall Riots (1969, USA)Charlottesville Riots (2017, USA)
1968 Democratic National Convention Riots (USA)Minneapolis Riots (2020, USA)
Haymarket Affair (1886, USA)Ferguson Protests (2014, USA)
Harlem Riot (1964, USA)George Floyd Protests (2020, USA)
Boston Police Strike (1919, USA)Baltimore Protests (2015, USA)
Chicago Race Riot (1919, USA)Greek Protests (2008, Greece)
New York Draft Riots (1863, USA)Gwangju Uprising (1980, South Korea)
Red Summer (1919, USA)Quebec Student Protests (2012, Canada)
Newark Riots (1967, USA)Iran Green Movement (2009, Iran)
Orange Riots (1871, USA)Anti-CAA Protests (2019-2020, India)
Bread Riots (1917, Russia)Arab Spring Protests (2010-2012, Middle East)
Attica Prison Riot (1971, USA)Hong Kong Protests (2019-2020, Hong Kong)
Wounded Knee Incident (1973, USA)Yellow Vests Movement (2018-2019, France)
Battle of Blair Mountain (1921, USA)2019 Chilean Protests (Chile)
LA Zoot Suit Riots (1943, USA)Paris Riots (2005, France)
Boston Massacre (1770, USA)Charlottesville Riots (2017, USA)
Kent State Shootings (1970, USA)Greek Protests (2008, Greece)
Chicago 7 Trial Protests (1969, USA)Tiananmen Square Protests (1989, China)
Tulsa Race Massacre (1921, USA)Yellow Vests Movement (2018-2019, France)
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