Top 100 famous karate technique :
Karate Technique | Description |
Oi-zuki | Lunge punch |
Gyaku-zuki | Reverse punch |
Kizami-zuki | Jab |
Mae-geri | Front kick |
Yoko-geri kekomi | Side thrust kick |
Mawashi-geri | Roundhouse kick |
Age-uke | Rising block |
Soto-uke | Outside block |
Uchi-uke | Inside block |
Tettsui-uchi | Hammer fist strike |
Uraken-uchi | Back fist strike |
Shuto-uchi | Knife hand strike |
Zenkutsu-dachi | Front stance |
Kokutsu-dachi | Back stance |
Kiba-dachi | Horse stance |
Nage-waza | Throwing techniques |
Kansetsu-waza | Joint locks |
Shime-waza | Strangulation techniques |
Tai-sabaki | Body shifting |
Uke-waza | Blocking techniques |
Kakie | Grappling hands exercise |
Heian Shodan | “Peaceful Mind 1” – Basic karate kata |
Bassai Dai | “To Storm a Fortress – Major” – Advanced karate kata |
Tekki Shodan | “Iron Horse 1” – Intermediate karate kata |
Empi | Elbow strike |
Hiza-geri | Knee strike |
Ura-mawashi-geri | Hook kick |
Morote-uke | Augmented block |
Kake-uke | Hooking block |
Hikite | Pulling hand |
Sanchin dachi | Hourglass stance |
Tetsui-uchi | Hammer fist strike |
Yoko-geri keage | Side snap kick |
Tettsui-uchi | Hammer fist strike |
Uraken-uchi | Back fist strike |
Shuto-uchi | Knife hand strike |
Soto-ude-uke | Outside forearm block |
Uchi-ude-uke | Inside forearm block |
Soto-ashi-uke | Outside leg block |
Uchi-ashi-uke | Inside leg block |
Morote-uke | Augmented block |
Sukui-uke | Scooping block |
Shuto-uke | Sword hand block |
Morote-tsuki | Augmented punch |
Tate-tsuki | Vertical punch |
Nukite | Spearhand strike |
Morote-tsuki | Augmented punch |
Tettsui-uchi | Hammer fist strike |
Yoko-empi | Side elbow strike |
Kagi-tsuki | Hook punch |
Nihon-tsuki | Double punch |
Morote-uchi-uke | Augmented block with strike |
Kosa-uke | Cross block |
Morote-tsuki | Augmented punch |
Choku-zuki | Straight punch |
Haito-uchi | Ridgehand strike |
Tensho | Rotating hands |
Soto-ude-uke | Outside forearm block |
Uchi-ude-uke | Inside forearm block |
Soto-ashi-uke | Outside leg block |
Uchi-ashi-uke | Inside leg block |
Morote-uke | Augmented block |
Sukui-uke | Scooping block |
Shuto-uke | Sword hand block |
Morote-tsuki | Augmented punch |
Tate-tsuki | Vertical punch |
Nukite | Spearhand strike |
Morote-tsuki | Augmented punch |
Tettsui-uchi | Hammer fist strike |
Yoko-empi | Side elbow strike |
Kagi-tsuki | Hook punch |
Nihon-tsuki | Double punch |
Morote-uchi-uke | Augmented block with strike |
Kosa-uke | Cross block |
Morote-tsuki | Augmented punch |
Choku-zuki | Straight punch |
Haito-uchi | Ridgehand strike |
Tensho | Rotating hands |
Kanshiwa-uke | Rotating block |
Ganmen-tsuki | Forehead punch |
Hiza-geri | Knee strike |
Kage-zuki | Hook punch |
Kanshiwa-uke | Rotating block |
Ganmen-tsuki | Forehead punch |
Hiza-geri | Knee strike |
Kage-zuki | Hook punch |