Top 100 famous karate technique :

Karate TechniqueDescription
Oi-zukiLunge punch
Gyaku-zukiReverse punch
Mae-geriFront kick
Yoko-geri kekomiSide thrust kick
Mawashi-geriRoundhouse kick
Age-ukeRising block
Soto-ukeOutside block
Uchi-ukeInside block
Tettsui-uchiHammer fist strike
Uraken-uchiBack fist strike
Shuto-uchiKnife hand strike
Zenkutsu-dachiFront stance
Kokutsu-dachiBack stance
Kiba-dachiHorse stance
Nage-wazaThrowing techniques
Kansetsu-wazaJoint locks
Shime-wazaStrangulation techniques
Tai-sabakiBody shifting
Uke-wazaBlocking techniques
KakieGrappling hands exercise
Heian Shodan“Peaceful Mind 1” – Basic karate kata
Bassai Dai“To Storm a Fortress – Major” –
Advanced karate kata
Tekki Shodan“Iron Horse 1” – Intermediate karate kata
EmpiElbow strike
Hiza-geriKnee strike
Ura-mawashi-geriHook kick
Morote-ukeAugmented block
Kake-ukeHooking block
HikitePulling hand
Sanchin dachiHourglass stance
Tetsui-uchiHammer fist strike
Yoko-geri keageSide snap kick
Tettsui-uchiHammer fist strike
Uraken-uchiBack fist strike
Shuto-uchiKnife hand strike
Soto-ude-ukeOutside forearm block
Uchi-ude-ukeInside forearm block
Soto-ashi-ukeOutside leg block
Uchi-ashi-ukeInside leg block
Morote-ukeAugmented block
Sukui-ukeScooping block
Shuto-ukeSword hand block
Morote-tsukiAugmented punch
Tate-tsukiVertical punch
NukiteSpearhand strike
Morote-tsukiAugmented punch
Tettsui-uchiHammer fist strike
Yoko-empiSide elbow strike
Kagi-tsukiHook punch
Nihon-tsukiDouble punch
Morote-uchi-ukeAugmented block with strike
Kosa-ukeCross block
Morote-tsukiAugmented punch
Choku-zukiStraight punch
Haito-uchiRidgehand strike
TenshoRotating hands
Soto-ude-ukeOutside forearm block
Uchi-ude-ukeInside forearm block
Soto-ashi-ukeOutside leg block
Uchi-ashi-ukeInside leg block
Morote-ukeAugmented block
Sukui-ukeScooping block
Shuto-ukeSword hand block
Morote-tsukiAugmented punch
Tate-tsukiVertical punch
NukiteSpearhand strike
Morote-tsukiAugmented punch
Tettsui-uchiHammer fist strike
Yoko-empiSide elbow strike
Kagi-tsukiHook punch
Nihon-tsukiDouble punch
Morote-uchi-ukeAugmented block with strike
Kosa-ukeCross block
Morote-tsukiAugmented punch
Choku-zukiStraight punch
Haito-uchiRidgehand strike
TenshoRotating hands
Kanshiwa-ukeRotating block
Ganmen-tsukiForehead punch
Hiza-geriKnee strike
Kage-zukiHook punch
Kanshiwa-ukeRotating block
Ganmen-tsukiForehead punch
Hiza-geriKnee strike
Kage-zukiHook punch
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