Quotes by Jamsetji Tata :
“Be good, do good, and be happy.”
“Perseverance and strong determination can move mountains and obstacles.”
“To be brave is to believe in the future, and to work for it today.”
“I want India to be a happy country.”
“Work every day as if you are working for the welfare of the world.”
“We do not claim to be more unselfish, or more generous or more philanthropic than other people.
“I want India to be a happy country.”
“A nation is advanced in proportion to education and intelligence spread among the masses.”
“We do not claim to be more unselfish, or more generous or more philanthropic than other people.”
“Be sure to lay wide streets planted with shady trees, every other of a quick-growing variety. Be sure that there is plenty of space for lawns and gardens; reserve large areas for football, hockey, and parks; earmark areas for Hindu temples, Mohammedan mosques, and Christian churches.”
“In a free enterprise, the community is not just another stakeholder in business, but is in fact the very purpose of its existence.”
“We do not claim to be more unselfish, more generous, or more philanthropic than other people. But we think we started on sound and straightforward business principles, considering the interests of the shareholders our own, and the health and welfare of the employees the sure foundation of our prosperity.”
“No success or achievement in material terms is worthwhile unless it serves the needs or interests of the country and its people and is achieved by fair and honest means.”
“There is one kind of charity common enough among us… It is that patchwork philanthropy which clothes the ragged, feeds the poor, and heals the sick. I am far from decrying the noble spirit which seeks to help a poor or suffering fellow being… but there is, I think, a nobler charity wherein the public may share.”
“I do not want India to be an economic superpower. I want India to be a happy country.”
“Tata Steel is a people’s company. It is by the people, for the people. We are a democracy within the company.”
“I know that greatness can be achieved by striving in the spirit of humility, honesty, and hard work.”
“Freedom without the strength to support it and, if need be, defend it, would be a cruel delusion.”
“If I have always sought too much to reserve myself and my life, it was not because I was cold, but because I was timid.”
“No endeavor that is worthwhile is simple in prospect; if it is right, it will be simple in retrospect.”
“The day is not far off when India’s boundless potentialities will become manifolds and our country will become one of the foremost nations in the world.”
“We must learn to be self-reliant and never lean on any external help.”
“We must encourage every man to choose for himself the work to which he is best adapted, from which he can derive the greatest pleasure and the greatest benefit both to himself and the community.”
“There are many things that we can do ourselves without much dependence on outside help.”
“We cannot build India by neglecting agriculture.”
“In a free enterprise, the community is not just another stakeholder in business but is, in fact, the very purpose of its existence.”
“We cannot have a sound and healthy industrial economy so long as agriculture remains in its present deplorable condition.”
“I desire to found a hospital which will take in the sick and treat them for all time to come.”
“We must have a stable and prosperous economy to secure our future.”