General Sherman (Giant Sequoia) | Major Oak |
Pando (Quaking Aspen) | The Cedars of God |
Methuselah (Bristlecone Pine) | Socotra Dragon Tree |
Hyperion (Coast Redwood) | Tree of Ténéré |
Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi (Sacred Fig) | The Lone Cypress |
Arbol del Tule (Montezuma Cypress) | The Angel Oak |
Tenere Tree (Acacia) | The Boab Prison Tree |
The Great Banyan (Banyan) | The Prometheus Tree (Bristlecone Pine) |
Avenue of the Baobabs (Baobab) | Chandelier Tree (Coast Redwood) |
Old Tjikko (Norway Spruce) | Anne Frank Tree (Horse Chestnut) |
The Survivor Tree (American Elm) | The Bodhi Tree |
El Gran Abuelo (Alerce) | Boab Prison Tree |
Major Oak (English Oak) | The Tule Tree |
The Sunland Baobab | Árbol del Tule |
Dragon Blood Tree (Socotra) | Avenue of the Baobabs |
Senator (Bald Cypress) | The Crooked Forest |
The Tree That Owns Itself (White Oak) | Chapel Oak (Quercus robur) |
Herbie (American Elm) | Fortingall Yew |
Tane Mahuta (Kauri) | The Old Oak of Basking Ridge |
Old Elm of Northfield | The Kauri Trees of Waipoua Forest |
The Tree of One Hundred Horses (Chestnut) | The Cotton Tree (Sierra Leone) |
The Hanging Tree (Cottonwood) | The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier’s Tree |
The Lone Cypress | Survivor Tree (Pear Tree) |
The Pechanga Great Oak (Coast Live Oak) | The Treaty Oak (Live Oak) |
The Circus Trees | The Tree of Gernika |
Glastonbury Thorn (Hawthorn) | The Joshua Tree |
Arbre de la Liberté (Liberty Tree) | The Anaimalai Hills Mahogany Tree |
The Great Oak of Knights Ferry | The Ancestor Tree |
The Shelton Oak | The George Washington Sycamore |
The Yew of Llangernyw | The Moon Tree |
The Old Elm of Longmeadow | The Senator Tree |
The Old Chestnut of Tortworth | The Big Tree of the Tarkine |
The Angel Oak | The Tree of Tule |
The Witness Tree | The Chapman Oak |
The Cotton Tree (Freetown) | The Pando Tree |
The Tree of the Year | The Boab Tree |
The Peace Tree | The Naha Banyan Tree |
The Hōkūleʻa Tree | The Tenere Tree |
The Emancipation Oak | The Cedars of Lebanon |
The Charter Oak | The Old Man of the Lake |
The Great White Oak | The Witness Tree |
The Wollemi Pine | The Cedar of Lebanon |
The Lone Cypress | The Dawn Redwood |
The Old Oak of Dorchester | The Big Oak |
The Queen’s Oak | The Fairy Tree |
The Royal Oak | The Parliament Tree |
The Angel Oak | The Old Elm |
The Liberty Tree | The Red Maple |
The Valley Oak | The Sycamore Gap Tree |
The Survivor Tree | The Lone Tree |
The Peace Tree | The Wollemi Pine |
The Freedom Tree | The Moon Tree |
The Old Oak of Windsor | The Sycamore Tree |
The Great Banyan | The Old Tree of Dubrovnik |
The Big Tree | The Sacred Fig |
The Sacred Oak | The Ancient Olive Tree |
The Old Man of the Woods | The Big Tree of Yosemite |
The King of Trees | The Monarch Oak |