Top 100 Famous Places in Europe

Top 100 Famous Places in Europe :

Eiffel TowerParis, France
ColosseumRome, Italy
Big BenLondon, England
Louvre MuseumParis, France
Sagrada FamíliaBarcelona, Spain
AcropolisAthens, Greece
Buckingham PalaceLondon, England
Notre-Dame CathedralParis, France
Brandenburg GateBerlin, Germany
Vatican CityVatican City
StonehengeWiltshire, England
Edinburgh CastleEdinburgh, Scotland
Tower of LondonLondon, England
St. Peter’s BasilicaVatican City
Leaning Tower of PisaPisa, Italy
Charles BridgePrague, Czech Republic
AlhambraGranada, Spain
Palace of VersaillesVersailles, France
Neuschwanstein CastleBavaria, Germany
Amsterdam CanalsAmsterdam, Netherlands
ParthenonAthens, Greece
Mont Saint-MichelNormandy, France
Sistine ChapelVatican City
Prague CastlePrague, Czech Republic
SantoriniCyclades, Greece
Trevi FountainRome, Italy
Westminster AbbeyLondon, England
Pompidou CentreParis, France
Schönbrunn PalaceVienna, Austria
Hagia SophiaIstanbul, Turkey
Plitvice Lakes National ParkCroatia
Cliffs of MoherCounty Clare, Ireland
Hermitage MuseumSt. Petersburg, Russia
Blue LagoonGrindavík, Iceland
MatterhornZermatt, Switzerland
Windsor CastleWindsor, England
Anne Frank HouseAmsterdam, Netherlands
PantheonRome, Italy
Tower BridgeLondon, England
Vasa MuseumStockholm, Sweden
La RamblaBarcelona, Spain
Canals of VeniceVenice, Italy
Red SquareMoscow, Russia
Keukenhof GardensLisse, Netherlands
Wawel CastleKraków, Poland
Piazza San MarcoVenice, Italy
Galleria degli UffiziFlorence, Italy
Louvre PyramidParis, France
Mont BlancFrench/Italian border
Edinburgh Old TownEdinburgh, Scotland
Basilica of St. Francis of AssisiAssisi, Italy
Guggenheim Museum BilbaoBilbao, Spain
St. Basil’s CathedralMoscow, Russia
Champs-ÉlyséesParis, France
Alpe d’HuezFrance
Rhine ValleyGermany
Palace of the PopesAvignon, France
Giant’s CausewayNorthern Ireland, UK
Museo del PradoMadrid, Spain
Tivoli GardensCopenhagen, Denmark
Duomo di MilanoMilan, Italy
Glastonbury TorSomerset, England
Lake BledSlovenia
Warner Bros. Studio Tour LondonLeavesden, England
El EscorialSan Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain
Buda CastleBudapest, Hungary
Norwegian FjordsNorway
Peles CastleRomania
Place de la ConcordeParis, France
Rila MonasteryBulgaria
StradunDubrovnik, Croatia
San GimignanoTuscany, Italy
Bran CastleBran, Romania
PlakaAthens, Greece
La ScalaMilan, Italy
Sachsenhausen Concentration CampOranienburg, Germany
CERNGeneva, Switzerland
Palace of KnossosCrete, Greece
Dresden FrauenkircheDresden, Germany
Black ForestGermany
OiaSantorini, Greece
Piazza del CampoSiena, Italy
Chartres CathedralChartres, France
Helsinki CathedralHelsinki, Finland
Luxembourg GardensParis, France
Sainte-ChapelleParis, France
Zurich Old TownZurich, Switzerland
Gothenburg ArchipelagoSweden
Amalfi CoastItaly
Geneva Jet d’EauGeneva, Switzerland
Casa BatllóBarcelona, Spain
Old Town SquarePrague, Czech Republic
LouvreParis, France
Champs-ÉlyséesParis, France
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