Adam Sandler Quotes

Adam Sandler Quotes

Adam Sandler Quotes

“I think the reason I’m an actor is because I have a love for movies.”

“You’re not going to see me doing ‘Hamlet.’ It’s just not who I am.”

“I’m not comfortable being around too many people. I’m kind of a recluse.”

“I never had any plans to become a comedian.”

“When I was younger and did a movie, I’d like to go out and see what the fans are saying.”

“I’m a big fan of collaborating; I like to collaborate with people.”

“I sing seriously to my mom on the phone. To put her to sleep, I have to sing ‘Stand by Me’ or ‘I’ll Be There.’”

“I just want to give the world something that makes it smile.”

“I’m very pro-Israel. I would like to see the world come together and have peace.”

“I’m not comfortable being around too many people. I don’t like being out in public too much, but when I am, I just try to be nice to everybody.”

“I think the reason I don’t read reviews is because I know how sensitive I am, and if I read the wrong thing, it would really throw me off.”

“My comedy is different every time I do it. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.”

“I don’t know what drives me to succeed, but I am addicted to success.”

“My comedy has changed over the years. When I was younger, I was more into the physical comedy that comes with being silly and falling down and all that stuff.”

“I sing seriously to my mom on the phone. To put her to sleep.”

“I’m a big fan of bringing something new to the table every time I do something.”

“The only reason I’m able to do what I do is because I have great friends and people who believe in me.”

“When I take a picture, I take a picture of my wife and kids, and I don’t care how I look in it.”

“I do love the films I’ve done in the past. I work hard in my movies and my friends work hard, and we’re trying to make people laugh and I’m very proud of that.”

“I’m not an attractive guy, but I’m a good guy. I’m not a bad guy. I think I’m a pretty decent guy.”

“My father was a big fan of Rock Hudson. He was a good looking guy. He was a leading man in movies. So when I was younger, my father would say, ‘You should be more like Rock Hudson.’ And I would be like, ‘But I’m not Rock Hudson!'”

“As a kid, I didn’t like to read, and I grew up in a house where I didn’t have a bookshelf. We had the encyclopedia. That was pretty much it.”

“I think when I bought a house, that’s when I thought I felt like that’s a grown-up thing to do.”

“Chemistry can be a good and bad thing. Chemistry is good when you make love with it. Chemistry is bad when you make crack with it.”

“In high school, I wanted to be a rock star and was in a lot of bands.”

“I sing seriously to my mom on the phone. To put her to sleep, I have to sing ‘Maria’ from West Side Story. When I hear her snoring, I hang up.”

“I think the reason I was born funny was because I wasn’t athletic. I was never competing to be the best athlete.”

“Feels good to try, but the best part is when you actually succeed.”

“I still get very scared when I step in front of a live audience.”

“I’m not comfortable being around too many people. It gets overwhelming.”

“With the success of my movies and TV show, I’ve become a lot more famous than I ever anticipated.”

“I think the biggest part of being funny is being able to relax enough to be spontaneous.”

“I just want to keep doing what I’m doing and hopefully people will watch my movies.”

“I think the reason people are so attached to their dogs is because their dogs are just so happy to see them.”

“I always liked being a clown, I liked to make people laugh.”

“As kids, we were always told about the importance of picking a path in life and sticking to it.”

“I don’t think about what kind of music I’m going to make next. I just go with what I feel.”

“I never thought about being an actor when I was young.”

“I’m not making every decision correctly. I’m just trying to do the best I can.”

“I enjoy simple things in life, like spending time with my family.”

“To be honest with you, I didn’t even want to make ‘Grown Ups 2’.”

“I feel like a regular guy, and I’m just trying to live my life.”

“I always felt like if you do something the right way, you get a chance to have longevity.”

“I never had a speech from my father ‘this is what you must do or shouldn’t do’ but I just learned to be led by example.”

“I try to make sure the scripts are good and that I really like the people I’m working with, because that’s important.”

“I’m a big sports fan, and I bleed with my sports teams.”

“I do love the old-school stuff, but I also love to be creative.”

“My comedy does not come from a place of deep cynicism, and I tend to play characters who are still funny despite their mistakes.”

“I’m so scared to get bad news and I hate hearing bad news, so sometimes I avoid it.”

“When I’m around friends and family, I feel like the same guy I’ve always been.”

“I just go with my gut. I just go where my heart tells me to go.”

“I feel very lucky to be doing what I’m doing. I never forget that.”

“I think people are always looking for new ways to be entertained.”

“I love creating characters and sharing them with the world.”

“I try to do as much fun stuff as possible with my kids because they make everything fun.”

“My work is my way of expressing myself and connecting with others.”

“I’m always looking for new challenges and new opportunities.”

“I love my family more than anything in the world.”

“I’m always trying to make sure my family and friends are happy.”

“I never thought I’d get this far in life, and I’m grateful for every moment.”

“I enjoy making people laugh, and that’s what makes me happy.”

“I try to live my life with no regrets.”

“I’m not perfect, but I’m always trying to improve.”

“I think everyone should have a good sense of humor.”

“I believe in staying true to myself and my values.”

“I’m always learning and growing, both as an actor and as a person.”

“I think laughter is the best medicine.”

“I try to surround myself with positive and supportive people.”

“I’m always grateful for the opportunities I’ve been given.”

“I believe in working hard and playing hard.”

“I think it’s important to stay humble and grounded.”

“I love what I do, and I hope to keep doing it for as long as I can.”

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